“Continuous Passive Motion” [CPM] equipment is used clinically to prevent joint stiffness¹ and provide stimulus to joint regeneration processes². CPM has been used to treat low back pain with clinically significant results³. By creating a sideways oscillating motion through the spine, the flow of synovial fluid between the discs can be encouraged, helping to reduce inflammation and ease pain, as well as improving range of motion.
The FlexxiCore® Passive Exerciser combines the therapeutic back care benefits of CPM with the energizing and calming effects of a simple exercise machine popularised by the Japanese. The user simply lies down, puts their feet up on a cushioned cradle, and lets the FlexxiCore’s robust motor do the work. The body’s natural response to the swinging of the feet is a pleasant goldfish-like motion from the hips up, releasing tension in back, neck and shoulders, deepening respiration, and boosting circulation.
Research has shown that back pain can often be attributed to an inability to relax, physically and/or mentally⁴. A regular rocking motion is also known to help synchronize brain waves and calm the nervous system⁵. Another area of research has shown how cartilage production in degenerative joints can be stimulated by relatively small degrees of motion, thus allowing for better gliding of the joint surfaces without pain or restriction⁶.
At a recent Back Pain Show at Olympia, London, 50 visitors were offered a 5-minute session on the FlexxiCore, with 84% reporting having experienced stiffness or pain in their Back / Neck / Shoulders (“BNS”) recently. Each reported on what they noticed during and after a 5-minute session: 72% reported feeling more relaxed / calmer; 54% noticed a reduction in tension; 40% said it had immediately helped BNS problems; 32% reported feeling more energetic; and 85% felt the session was of benefit for their condition, including 35 of the 42 (83.3%) who had recent BNS stiffness or pain.
Case studies from Practitioner Trials with over 200 healthcare professionals have previously confirmed the FlexxiCore’s benefits with a broad range of health conditions⁷. One practitioner’s client had back problems following removal of a benign tumour. After just 11 sessions she reported relief of tension in the back, increased mobility, better posture, and improved feelings of hope and courage for the future⁸.
1. O'Driscoll, SA, Nicholas J. Giori, NJ. Continuous passive motion (CPM): Theory and principles of clinical application. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 37 (2): 179-88. Mar-Apr 2000.
2. Salter R. The biologic concept of continuous passive motion of synovial joints. The first 18 years of basic research and its clinical application. Clin Orthop Relat Res,;(242):12-25. May 1989.
3. Acosta-Rua AJ, Scuderi GJ, Levine SM, et al. Treatment of subacute low back pain with a novel device for continuous passive motion of the spine. Am J Ther 15(2):176-9. Mar-Apr 2008.
4. Lundberg U. Stress responses in low-status jobs and their relationship to health risks: musculoskeletal disorders. Ann N Y Acad Sci 896:162-72.; also Lundberg U. 1999. Psychological stress and musculoskeletal disorders: psychobiological mechanisms. Lack of rest and recovery greater problem than workload. Lakartidningen 100(21):1892-5. 297. 2003..
5. Bayer L., Constantinescu I., Perrig S., Vienne J., Vidal P.P., Mühlethaler M., Schwartz S. Rocking synchronizes brain waves during a short nap. Curr Biol. Jun 21;21(12):R461-2. 2011.
6. Viidik, A. Functional properties of collagenous tissue. Review of Connective Tissue Research 6:144–149 1970.
7. McDonald, H. Clinical Relief with Use of FlexxiCore Exerciser. Positive Health. Issue 141 November 2007.
8. Tisserand, M. Supervised Use of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser in a Clinic Context. Positive Health. Issue 177. December 2010.
Further Information
To find out more Tel: 01934 257066 / 08456 120129; info@EnergyForHealth.co.uk; for more background and to watch introductory and training videos visit www.FlexxiCore.com